Friday 1 July 2011

English is going just fine, considering I have not received any assignments back. I took Academic writing, which (even when I was choosing it) I knew was going to be more boring than sitting on the toilet without a magazine or music. To my surprise, it is very interesting. Well, not the class per se, but the topic we are supposed to do Academic writing on. Topic = post 9/11. Unfortunately, this is not a history/religion/psychology/political something something class, so I never find myself in a discussion on Post 9/11, rather on how to write a summary, a research proposal, etc. Nevertheless, reading a package with statements from men "captured" during post 9/11 sweeps, Bush's announcements and other articles with theories on Orientalism and Moral Panic theory gets all the right reactions (such as "oh wow!", "awww", "ahahahahahahahahah!", "nooo, really!!", "god!", "what the hell does that word mean?") out of me. Sometimes, I tell myself I'll write like these people one day. Then, I start writing my blog and reality, like their words slaps me in the face. 

I have class twice a week, other days I drool over Nakatsu, other to other days I listen to music and sing along, other to other to other days I try to entertain myself (DO NOT think I have no social life! I have a nice, caring, crazy group of friends, some of whom have summer school, others are in California -- as I will be in August and few are just Lazy brats!) 

Okay, back to the point, so today was one of those "lets entertain myself" days. Heres what I did:

 If I looked at this, I'd say, "ENNH! Its alright. Nothing big!"
Until, I read what it actually is.-- I took four small, thin canvases, cut them into puzzle pieces and THEN I painted this on. I can hear some "smarty pants" going, "well why didn't you paint and then cut it into puzzle pieces" ... because, I used a cutter (a blade) that would've scratched the paint out. Trust me, I tried that...didn't work...for me, at least. So, what you see here, my friends is the solved puzzle.

Here is what it originally looked like!

And that is not the only thing I did, my room's door needs a make over. Right now, it has my name on it. I'm going to put these masks on it!

Yes, I did make those :D and I'm going to be proud of them, whether you like them or not! 

Oh no! The middle one is melting!! I'm going to go fix that
*Please, imagine me stand up, walk a catwalk to the other room while my hair flies in the wind, place the mask  on the floor, carefully as if hand modelling. Now imagine me look up, my eyes twinkling and say, "Want my number?".... OHKay! don't do that!!*

Although that blue and red one on the top right is my favourite, I think I sort of like this one, too:

Oh! Whats that I hear? Did you say, "Nice nails"?
Well, thank you! I did those myself, too!
Before you start criticizing them, note that I've never actually been to a nail spa to get my nails done and I have had no expert advice. So, indeed! I'm proud of these,too! 

Heres a better look:
 *Please, ignore my dirty hands that contradict my movie like scene when I went to fix the other mask. My fingers are dirty only because I did the masks before the nails. Perhaps, I should have washed?*

P.S. you better have watched the first four episodes!

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