Monday, 15 August 2011

To bore or not to bore, That is the question

Noticed how I'd stopped blogging? Demanding a reason? (I know you're not, but I'd like to think otherwise.) Anyway, I don't have a good reason. I had school up until the end of July. So, I promised myself that August was going to be tons of fun (considering my parents had planned to drive to California, stay there for a week and drive back.) However, 'fun' often tends to go the opposite direction from the one I'm going into, especially if I'm calling out to it. So, guess what? So far I have done NOTHING BIG.

Sure, my long lost friend of a year is back from the land across the seven seas. Sure, surprisingly almost every single day in Vancouver is turning out to be sunny and rainless. And sure, I've got a full licence and I can take myself wherever I like. BUT, like someone very smart said ~ it's not what you do to spend your time, it is who you spend it with. And, although a first few days since my long-lost-friend-of-a-year got back, we hung out all the time, now it has slowed down and I am slightly bored to my core.


So, I'm going to change that! My friends and I are going to GO OUT!!!! OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE!  (I don't know what I am saying! Thus, before I mess up my blog, I'd like to leave.)

However, I will keep you posted on if the only summer month I was granted was fun or not :)



  1. lol! I was just starting to follow ur blog because of ur good post few weeks ago and now u say u wanna have a break. :P anyway, Pls come back soon :) I will miss u!

  2. hahaha! Thank you :)

    I'd ask you what post you liked but then I'd be conscious of my writing and probably write to please other. But its best I write for myself, only then, will you be able to enjoy it! :)

    But, thanks for following me! :D
