Sunday 7 August 2011


I am rather happy today! Its not because its a beautiful day, not because my zits are gone, not because I'm done first year, not because the thing I was crying about in my last post is finally happening and I feel successful. It is because I won an award! Yippee! *Applause*

After a billion years, I decided to sign into blogger and what do I find? Alexa presents me with an award! Thank you, Alexa!

This award is given to the bloggers who are pretty cool, but unfortunately, have few followers (less than 200.)

So, following the rules:
1. Thank the giver and link back to the blogger who gave it to you.
2. Reveal your top 5 picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
3. Copy and paste the award on your blog.
4. Have faith that your followers will spread the love to other bloggers.
5. And most of all - have bloggity-blog fun!

I would like to thank Alexa from Illiterations 
and reveal my top picks:

1)Photogenic Devil from Threadbare Confession. I can't pin point why exactly, but I love reading her blog. It always manages to bring a smile on my face.

2) Manik Sharma from thelandabovewater. His Poetry is way over my understanding but I always find myself on his blog again and again and again. I think his work is very pure. 

3) Melody from Inquisitive thinking. I love what she writes about and how she writes it. 

4) Fiona from Voice of a nerd. LOL! If Fiona's blog doesn't cheer you up, nothing can!

5) I don't know if I can do this, but: Alexa from Illiterations...her stories, her poems, prose, her blog, it's beautiful! 

Congratulations, everyone! Keep writing!

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